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Click here to download the ICCT2024 Proceeding Book


ICCT 2024 Video

Aim & Scope

Theme: Machinanity for Humanity

  ICCT is the first and comprehensive international conference on the various aspects of culture technology and its applications. International Conference on Culture Technology 2024 will provide a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of cultural technology. The goal of this conference is to bring together the researchers from academic and industry to share ideas, works, problems and solutions related to the multifaced aspects of culture technology.
Authors are invited to submit original papers and works in all areas related to culture technologies and their applications. Topics include, but not limited to, the following areas:

1. Digital Contents

(a) VR & AR: Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Mixed reality, Multiple realistic space implementation, industry adaptive VR
(b) Game: Massive on-line game based on virtual world, Game for welfare promotion, Immersing cinematic reality game, Game utilization in culture
(c) Convergence Contents: Senseware, Smart contents, Edu-Contents
(d) Media: Animation CG, Digital cinema

2. Foundation / Source

(a) Contents Design: Storytelling, Contents producton pipeline
(b) Graphics: Physical engine, Rendering, 3D stereoscopic, Motion graphics, Hologram
(c) UX-based Interface: User experience, Action recognition
(d) Social Media: Social media analysis and utilization
(e) Data Management: Data retrieval for culture contents, Data collection and analysis for culture contents, DB modeling for culture contents, DBMS for culture contents
(f) Sound & Music: Sound technology and music technology

3. Performance / Exihibition

(a) Performance Technology: Technology of cutting edge of performance, Massive performance technology,
(b) Exihibition Technology: Advanced implementation technology, Digital exihibition technology
(c) Crafts Technology: Traditional material modernization, production technology modernization
(d) Traditional Music Technology: Modernization of traditional music, Advancement of traditional musical instruments, Populizing traditional music

4. Culture Service

(a) Cultural Heritage Technology: Culture enjoyment support technology, Restoration technology of original form
(b) Tourism Service Technology: Evaluation medel of tourism resources, Characterization technology of tourrism factor, Awareness raising of tourism R&D, Construction of tourism R&D support system
(c) Sports Service Technology: U-sports care service, Sports service marketing, Sports service information, Sports image/video analysis, virtual sports
(d) Library Technology: Journal publishing technology, Repositary technology
(e) Museum Technology: All museum technologies including exhibition and preservation technology
(f) Copyright Technology: Copyright protection & usage technology, Detection technology of copyright infringement, Management of copyright-works distribution

5. Advanced Technology

(a) Machine Intelligence: Intelligent technology applied to culture technology, New AI technology
(b) IOT & Big Data: IOT & Big-data technology applied in culture technology, New IOT & Big Data technology

6. Humanity / Social Science

(a) Culture & Technology in Humanity: Culture and technology related with humanity study
(b) Culture & Technology in Social Science: Culture and technology related with social science study

7. Art / Design

(a) Culture & Technology in Art: Culture and technology related with art
(b) Culture & Technology in Design: Culture and technology related with design

8. Convergence Technologies

All convergence technologies not limited to a specific field

9. Special Session(AI & Education)

(a) Educational Direction in AI Era
(b) AI Application in Education
(c) New Education Policy in AI Era
(d) AI Education Tools

Papers & Submission

All papers will be fully refereed and undergo a blind review process by at least three referees of the international program committee. All accepted papers will be published in International Conference on Culture Technology 2024 Proceedings. Distinguished papers presented in the conference will be further revised and published in special issues of prestigious international journals(SCIE, SCOPUS)
The paper must be written in English and follow the ICCT paper template provided below. The basic paper length 4 pages and limited to no more than 6 pages. Papers must be submitted only in MS-WORD(Doc) format. All paper submissions will be handled electronically via online submission system at the conference webpage

*** IEEE Paper Template Download(letter): Click here to download. or ***
*** IACST Copyright Form: Click here to download. ***

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission:   September 10, 2024
Acceptance Notification:   Spetember 20, 2024
Camera-Ready Paper Submission: September 30, 2024
Early Registration: September 30, 2024

Conference Venue

Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Contact Information

If you have any question for the conference, please contact Program Chair at dongkyun@knu.ac.kr.


Hosted by

International Association for Convergence Science & Technology
Kyungpook Natl. University, South Korea
Brain Korea 21+, Kyungpook National University, South Korea

In Cooperation with

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand

Sponsored by

Daegu Business Events District, South Korea
Oriental Consultants Global, Japan
Pinetree Asosociates, South Korea
PIPA, South Korea




Steering Committee

Professor, Dongkyun Kim
KyungPook National University, IACST

Professor, Pyeoungkee Kim
Silla University, IACST

Professor, Rattasit Sukhahuta
Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Professor, TaeSoo Yun
Dongseo University, South Korea

Principal Researcher, Thepchai Supnithi
NECTEC, Thailand

Professor, EunYi Kim
Konkook University, South Korea

Professor, Guydeuk Yeon
Christ University, India

Professor, Intiraporn Mulasastra
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Professor, Rolly Intan
Petra Christian University, Indonesia

CEO, SangHyo Lee
Namu Edutech, IACST

Professor, SeHyun Park
Daegu University, South Korea

Professor, YongUk Lee
Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan

Chief, Adam CHee
Smart Health Leadership Centre, National University of Singapore, Singapore

President, Bill Chen
Zhejiang Creative Textile Industry Research Institute, China

Rector, Dam Quang Minh
Western University, Vietnam

Professor, Donghwa Lee
Daegu University, South Korea

Professor, Elena Tsomko
Dongseo University, Russian Federation

Professor, Fei Hao
Shanxi Normal University, China

Professor, Hisaki Nate
Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan

Professor, Hyeyoung Ko
Seoul Women's University, South Korea

Professor, Hyunjin Chun
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Professor, I Putu Agung Bayupati
Udayana University, Indonesia

Professor, Jaeho Pyeon
San Jose State University, USA

Professor, Jiman Hong
Soongsil University, South Korea

Professor, Kiesu Kim
Silla University, South Korea

Professor, KyungSoo Kwon
Dongseo University, IACST

Professor, Lee Yun Li
Sunway University, Malaysia

Professor, Mustafa Eren Yildirim
American University of Malta, Turkey

Professor, Ngoc Le
Swinburne University of Technology, Vietnam

Professor, Seungpok Choi
Silla University, South Korea

Professor, Sian Lun Lau
Sunway University, Malaysia

Professor, Sungpil Lee
Dongseo University, South Korea

Professor, Tae-Young Byun
Daegu Catholic University, South Korea

Professor, Ted Shin
Denver Metropolitan University, USA

Professor, Xia Yingchong
Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology, China

Professor, Yulia M. Kom
Petra Christian University, Indonesia

Professor, Soonki Jung
Kyungpook National University, South Korea

Professor, Weeraphan Chanhom
Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Organizing Committee

Honorable Chairs

Prof. Pyeoungkee Kim

Honorable Vice Chairs

Prof. TaeSoo Yun
Dongseo University, Korea

Organizing Chairs

Prof. Rattasit Sukhahuta
President of IACST
Prof. Soonki Jung
Kyungpook Natl. University, Korea

Registration Chairs

Prof. SeHyun Park
Daegu University, Korea

Local Arrangement Chairs

Prof. Tae-Young Byun
Daegu Catholic University, Korea
Prof. Jeonggeun. Kim
Kyungpook Natl. University, Korea

Publicity Chairs

Prof. Bong Hwan Kim
Daegu Catholic University, Korea

Publication Chair

Prof. KyungSu Kwon
Dongseo University, Korea

Technical Program Committee

TPC Chairs

Prof. Dongkyun Kim
Kyungpook National University, Korea
Prof. Lee Yun Li
Sunway University, Malaysia
Prof. Somchoke Ruengittinun
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Prof. Sungpil Lee
Dongseo University, Korea
Prof. Hyeyoung Ko
Seoul Women's University, Korea

Industry Session Committee

Dr. Junyeop Kim
Corevalue, Korea
Mr. Chungkyo Jung
Former President of PIPA, Korea

International Advisory Committee

Prof. Kwangyun Wohn
KAIST, Korea
Prof. Chonggi Kim
Shanghai University of Science & Technology, China
Prof. Tongjin Kim
Purdue University, USA

Keynote Speech

Invited Speech

Speech Title: Heilmeier’s Catechism: The Driving Force Behind DARPA’s Culture of Innovation

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has been instrumental in spearheading a range of groundbreaking technologies that have profoundly impacted both society and the global technological landscape. Notable innovations include the Internet, Global Positioning System (GPS), voice recognition technology, and autonomous vehicles, among others. The agency's projects are devised, managed, and assessed using the guiding principles of the Heilmeier Catechism, a set of critical questions. This presentation delves into these questions and uses public domain materials to illustrate how they have been crucial in driving major technological breakthroughs.

Dr. Sung Kyu Lim
Motorola Solutions Foundation Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr.Lim Prof. Sung Kyu Lim earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA in 2000. Since 2001, he has been a faculty member at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research explores the architecture, design, and electronic design automation (EDA) of 2.5D and 3D integrated circuits, contributing to over 400 published papers. He received the Best Paper Awards from the IEEE Transactions on CAD in 2022 and the ACM Design Automation Conference in 2023. He is an IEEE Fellow and served as a program manager at DARPA's Microsystems Technology Office from 2022 to 2024.








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Click here to download the ICCT2024 Proceeding Book

October 23(Wednesday), Day for Friendship
Place: Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Time Program

DAEGU FIX 2024 Tour

(IACST Participants, Start from Hotel Ariana Lobby at 2pm)

@( EXCO Convention Halls)

Reception for Directors and VIP

(IACST directors and Regular members)

Restaurant QooQoo near Soosung Lake

October 24(Thursday), Day for Excellence
Place: Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Time Program


Future Innovation Hall(미래창직관) @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Opening Address

Prof. Rattasit Sukhahuta, President of IACST
(Chair: Prof. Tae-Young Byun, Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

Welcome Address

Prof. Seok-Joo Koh, Dean of IT College. Kyungpook National University, Korea
(Chair: Dr. Soyoon Park)

Future Innovation Hall(미래창직관) @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea
Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525


Keynote Speech

Dr. Sung Kyu Lim, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
(Chair: Prof. Tae-Young Byun, Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

Future Innovation Hall(미래창직관) @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea
Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525


Coffee Break


Oral Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Session 1A: (Room 101) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525
Session 1B: (Room 108) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525



Cafeteria @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Oral Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Session 2A: (Room 101) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525
Session 2B: (Room 108) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525

14:50~15:00 Tea Break

Oral Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Session 3A: (Room 101) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525
Session 3B: (Room 108) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525

16:20~16:30 Tea Break

Oral Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Session 4A: (Room 101) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525
Session 4B: (Room 108) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 4714 6954, Passcode: 538525

October 25(Friday), Day for Creativity & Convergence
Place: Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Time Program


IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Settting Up for Poster Paper Presentation

IT College Bldg. #4, DIY Studio(Floor B1) @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Poster Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4, DIY Studio(Floor B1) @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Coffee Break


Oral Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea
Session 5A: (Room 101) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 9384 3987, Passcode: 730884
Session 5B: (Room 108) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 9384 3987, Passcode: 730884


Cafeteria @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Poster Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea
Session 6B: (Room 108) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 9384 3987, Passcode: 730884

Coffee Break


Oral Paper Presentation

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea
Session 6A: (Room 101) Zoom Link >, ID: 830 9384 3987, Passcode: 730884

Open Discussion

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea


ICCT 2024 Awarding Ceremony
Banquet & Performance

Main Hall @ Hotel Laonzena (https://en-hotellaonzena.com/)

October 26(Saturday), Day for Culture Experience
Place: Daegu City Area, South Korea

Time Program

Industry Meeting

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea

Evaluation (by the Organizing Committee)

IT College Building #4 @ Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea


[ICCT 2024 Technical Sessions]

Session 1A: AI in Creative Art and Media
Session Chair: Prof. Hyeyoung Ko, Seoul Women's University, Korea
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-101, Time: 11:00 - 12:20

1A.1: Evaluating Metal Music Composition through Artificial Intelligence (Online)
Nashley Dsouza, GuHee Yoon (Dongseo University, Korea)

1A.2: A Hybrid Algorithmic Trading Approach: Integrating Technical Indicators with ARIMA-LSTM for Stock Price Predictions (Online)
Jigarkumar Shah, Gautam Makwana (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India); Jainish Shah (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India); Said Elnaffar (Canadian University Dubai, United Arab Emirates); Rutvij Jhaveri (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India)

1A.3: Self-Practice Khon Application using Artificial Intelligence (Online)
Thanadon Poomkosum, Supachok Ruensom, Nathamon Thiengcharoen, Nattapon Buaurai, Anun Wongsang (Suankularb Wittayalai Rangsit School, Thailand); Somchoke Ruengittinun (Kasetsart University, Thailand)

1A.4: A Blockchain-Based Incentive Mechanism in Computation Offloading in IoV
Haishan Yang, Razafimanjato Mahalinoro, Seri Park, Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

Session 1B: Digital Media and Image Processing
Session Chair: Prof. Dukyun Nam, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-108, Time: 11:00 - 12:20

1B.1: A Study on the Spatial Composition of Community Street Projects Based on the 15-Minute City (Online)
Qi Xiao, Ruixue Wang, Yinuo Zhu (Shandong Huayu University of Technology, China)

1B.2: A Study on the Medical Effects and Design Method of Meditation Garden
Hyunjin Chun (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)

1B.3: Enhanced Image Classification Using a Hybrid CNN-KAN Neural Network (Online)
Sanghyun Yeo (Reigate Grammar School Vietnam (RGSV), Vietnam); Satyam Mishra (Vietnam National University, Vietnam); Phuong Anh Nguyen, Le Anh Ngoc (FPT University, Vietnam)

1B.4: Explainable AI to Mitigate DDoS Attacks in SDN Systems (Online)
Tanish Patel (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India); Sagar Sidana (McKinsey and Company, United States of America); Rutvij Jhaveri, Manish Paliwal (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India)

Session 2A: AI, Accessibility, and Technology Innovations
Session Chair: Dr. Faisal Saeed, Shenzhen University, China
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-101, Time: 13:30 - 14:50

2A.1: A Study on the Design Elements of Cultural Products Based on AHP Utilizing Nanyang Han Dynasty Pictorial Stone (Online)
Jie Liu, Man-Yong Song (Dongseo University, Korea)

2A.2: Analysis on Diffusion Model for Face De-identification (Online)
Jin Hyoung Park, Seang Min Lee, Lamyanba Laishram, Soon Ki Jung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

2A.3: Enhancing Inventory Management through Demand Forecasting using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) (Online)
Himanshu Gulechha (Christ University, India)

2A.4: Predictive Analytics for Customer Churn: Machine Learning Solutions for Business Retention
Yogesh Jadhav (ATLAS SkillTech University, India); Sumitra Iyer (DY Patil University, India); Ashish Patel (SVM Institute of Technology, India); Faisal Mohammed Alotaibi (Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia)

Session 2B: Cultural Insights and AI-Driven Solutions
Session Chair: Dr. Anh Ngoc Le, FPT University, Vietnam
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-108, Time: 13:30 - 14:50

2B.1: Interracial Romance in South Korean Cinema Analysing Cultural and Social Evolution (Online)
Saad El Hadi, Hongsik Pak (Dongseo University, Korea)

2B.2: Enhancing Reel Tower Management and Control through Machine Learning Techniques
HyunKi Ry, MyeongSu Jeong (Research Institute of Vehicle Embedded Technology, Korea); JeongHyun Cho (Yeungnam University College, Korea); JaeHoon Chung (YJ Link, Korea)

2B.3: Enhancing IoT Security: A Federated Learning and Explainable AI Pipeline for Preemptive Cyberattack Detection (Online)
Tanish Patel, Rahul Tanna, Rutvij H Jhaveri (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India); Anas Najdawi (Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates); Francesco Benedetto (Roma Tre University, Italy)

2B.4: Gender Classification of LBP Facial Images with VGG Architecture (Online)
Eren Yildirim (American University of Malta, Malta); Kim, Pyeoungkee (Silla University, Korea)

Session 3A: Advanced Methods in Image Processing and Data Analytics
Session Chair: Dr. Azfar Yaqub, Free University of Bozen- Bolzano, Italy
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-101, Time: 15:00 - 16:20

3A.1: Refining Class Confusion with Pixel Adjacency and Continual Learning in Medical Image Segmentation
Hyunji Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea); Pawat Puttimit, Wassaphas Thongsopa (Kasetsart University, Thailand); Seongmin Roh, Yu Rim Lee, Soo Young Park, Won Young Tak, Soon Ki Jung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

3A.2: Machine Learning-Based Multi-sensor System for Elderly Care
Nattawut Chaowanapanich (Kasetsart University, Thailand); Su Kim, Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

3A.3: Evaluating Game-Based and Immersive Learning Approaches in Cultural Heritage Education (Online)
Aristarchus Pranayama Kuntjara (Petra Christian University, Indonesia); Hongsik Pak (Dongseo University, Korea)

3A.4: Wi-Fi Aware and Wi-Fi RTT Based Indoor Positioning for Enhancing Indoor Environment Safety Service
Patinya Saichantadee (Kasetsart University, Thailand); Donghyun Jeon, Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

Session 3B: Exploring Visual Aesthetics and Intelligent Systems
Session Chair: Dr. Attaullah Buriro, Free University of Bozen- Bolzano, Italy
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-108, Time: 15:00 - 16:20

3B.1: A Brief Analysis of the Use of Color in Zhang Yimou's Film Transitions (Online)
Sheng Tong Han (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China); Jiani Zhou (Dongseo University, Korea)

3B.2: Research on Brand Experience and Perception of Flagship Stores through Journey Map Analysis (Online)
Jin-Ju Lee, Kwan-Seon Hong (Dongseo University, Korea)

3B.3: A Review of Locomotion Techniques for Exploring Heritage Sites in Virtual Reality (Online)
Erandaru (Petra Christian University, Indonesia); Hongsik Pak (Dongseo University, Korea)

3B.4: Intelligent Supervised Machine Learning Based Model for Intrusion Detection System (Online)
Muhammed Nabeel Talib (American University of Malta, Malta); Abdul Hannan Khan, Shahid Iqbal (Green International University, Pakistan); Eren Yildirim (American University of Malta, Malta)

Session 4A: AI and Machine Learning for Healthcare and Security
Session Chair: Prof. Somchoke Ruengittinun, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-101, Time: 16:30 - 17:50

4A.1: Area-Based Data Visualization and Its Role in Big Data Analytics for Air Quality Management
Supattanawaree Thipcharoen (The Far Eastern University, Thailand); Teerawich Wongsa (Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand); Duangnapa Sukhahuta, Tidarat Cholprasertsuk Sutheera Munsaen (Maejo University,Thailand); Rattasit Sukhahuta (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)

4A.2: Federated Learning for Heart Stroke Risk Prediction: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms
Niv Doshi, Hardiksinh B Rathod, Rutvij H Jhaveri, Tanish Patel (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India); Gokul Yenduri (VIT-AP University, India); Thinagaran Perumal (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)

4A3: A Study of Humorous Character Design in Theatrical Animation (Online)
Liu Ling, Man-Yong Song (Dongseo University, Korea)

4A.4: Research on YOLOv8 Keypoints Detection Based on Multiple Attention Mechanism Optimization
Jiazheng Wang (Silla University, Korea)

Session 4B: Optimization Techniques and AI Applications
Session Chair: Dr. Zakria Qadir, University of New South Wales, Australia
Date: October 24, 2024
Room: IT4-108, Time: 16:30 - 17:50

4B.1: Predictive Analytics in Education: A Holistic AI Approach Using Academic, Behavioral, and Socio-Demographic Features (Online)
Phung Thao Vi (Vietnam National University, Vietnam); Phuong Anh Nguyen, Anh Ngoc Le (FPT University, Vietnam)

4B.2: An AI-Based Compression Model for Enhancing Transmission Efficiency in Bandwidth-Constrained Environments (Online)
Van Dai Pham, Cuong Nhat Nguyen, Xuan Tung Dao, Phuong Anh Nguyen, Trung Tin Duong, Anh Ngoc Le (FPT University, Vietnam)

4B.3: Exploring Supervised Learning Methods for Human Fall Detection: A Comparative Analysis (Online)
Ankit D. Patel, Rutvij H. Jhaveri, Jigarkumar H. Shah (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India); Ashish D. Patel (SVM Institute of Technology, India); Kaushal A. Shah, Henil Pithadiya (Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India)

4B.4: Thai Traditional Dance Pose Evaluation Using Dynamic Time Wrapping Technique (Online)
Phollaphat Charoensuk, Chutipol Sakulrompochai, Pranisa Umthong (Assumption College, Thailand); Somchoke Ruengittinun (Kasetsart University, Thailand)

Session 5A: Generative AI Movie Session
Session Chair: Prof. GuHee Yoon, Dongseo University, Korea
Date: October 25, 2024
Room: IT4-101, Time: 11:00 - 12:20

5A.1: The Resurrected Blade
Zhang Yuxin (Dongseo University, Korea)

5A.2: The Final Chapter of the Sea
Gao Ting, Guo Putian (Dongseo University, Korea)

5A.3: Forgotten Azure
Geralda Tan, Rachel Helensky (Dongseo University, Korea)

5A.4: Edge City X-File
Wu Ruiyuan, Chen Yisheng, Dai Yueer, Wang Yishan, Wang Yilin (Dongseo University, Korea)

5A.5: Draw Agreed
QinXiaoTi WangXieYa (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session 5B: AI-Assisted Technology and Cultural Heritage
Session Chair: Prof. Jeong-Geun Kim, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Date: October 25, 2024
Room: IT4-108, Time: 11:00 - 12:20

5B.1: Performance Evaluation of Blockchain-Enabled Smart Contracts for a Healthcare System (Online)
Amna Ejaz, Esha Eman, Asad Ali Malik, Ahmad Naseem Alvi (COMSATS University, Pakistan); Muhammad Azfar Yaqub (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)

5B.2: Exploring the Disruptive Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Filmmaking
Zijian Tan, Jiani Zhou (Dongseo University, Korea)

5B.3: Digital Influence of OTT Streaming and Social Media in Today’s Content Viewing Behavior: Analyzing Netflix’s Marketing Strategies to Generate Consumers
Nailen Kristinne Ramirez Garalde, Sung-Hoon Cho (Dongseo University, Korea)

5B.4: Analyzing Technological Mediation to the Digital Divide: The Role of Mobile Phones in Signal Rock (2018)
Lynn Oliquino, Thomas Humpal, Sung-Hoon Cho (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session 6A: Media Accessibility, Aesthetics, and Ethics
Session Chair: Prof. Young-Suk Lee, Dongguk University, Korea
Date: October 25, 2024
Room: IT4-101, Time: 15:00 - 16:20

6A.1: Accessibility in the Metaverse: Alternatives for the Visually Impaired
Santiago Fernando Lema Orquera, JinTaek Seo (Dongseo University, Korea)

6A.2: Exploration of Aesthetic Characteristics in Vertical Screen Filming Technology
Haoyuan Gao (Dongseo University, Korea); Linfeng Cai (Wuhan Orange Ripe Culture Media Co., Ltd, China); Sung-Hoon Cho (Dongseo University, Korea)

6A.3: Analyzing the Potential of Using Viewer Cognition Data Obtained Through Eye-tracking for AI-Assisted Film Editing
Indah Sari Yosodiharyo, Zhou Jia Ni (Dongseo University, Korea)

6A.4: Anticipate or Compromise? Integrating Ethics in the Design Development Process to Mitigate and Engage with Negative Consequences
Geralda Carnelian Tantra, Yong-Ki Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)

[ICCT 2024 Poster Sessions]

Session A: Poster Paper Presentations
Session Chair: Jeehyun Kim, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Date: October 25, 2024
Room: IT4 Floor B1, DIY Room, Time: 09:30 - 10:50

A.1: Use of mmWavelength Radar in Biomedical Engineering and Animal Health
Joohee Park, Daeyoung Choi, Mansik Jeon (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.2: A Bus Passenger Monitoring System
Zhongheng Wen, Pyeoungkee Kim (Silla University, Korea)

A.3: Conventional, Continual and Multi-Dataset Training: A Study on Segmentation Performance for Medical Imaging
Asad Imam, Muhammad Salman Khan, Shahzad Ali, Soon Ki Jung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.4: A Performance Analysis of Open-Source Map Matching Programs for Large-Scale GPS Data
Il-Kwon Kang (Kyungpook National University, Korea); Min-Jun Kim (NC Data Co., Ltd., Korea); Dukyun Nam (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.5: Developing a UHD 8K Resolution Display Inspection System Using a Master/Slave Structure
Jaeseong Park (Kyungpook National University, Korea); Younggu Do (timesystem, Inc, Korea); Jeehyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.6: Study on the Integration of VCU and EPS Control Algorithms for Autonomous Shuttle bus
Heejung Woo (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.7: Enhancing Real-Time SLAM with GS-ICP and Deep Learning Integration
Daeyoung Choi (Kyungpook National University, Korea); JaeHo Chung (Farmity Co.,Ltd, Korea); Jeehyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.8: Study on Indoor Tracking System using UWB
Jaemin Hong (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.9: Development of Safety Monitoring System for Children's School Buses Based on Intelligent Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
Kyunghwan Lee, Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

A.10: Improving Crosswalk Detection Accuracy Using Attention Mechanisms in YOLOv8
Yoon Seok Choi, Je Kyung Lee, Kyung-Ae Cha, Se Hyun Park (Daegu University, Korea)

A.11: Development of a Smart Early Detection System for Solitary Deaths Based on Life Response Data
Jon YongJun, Bo-Mi Lee, Jae-Pil Jung, Ye-Gyun Kim, Young-Ho Shin (Daegu Catholic University, Korea); Sung-Bum Kang (Bumil Information Co. Ltd., Korea)

A.12: Automatic measurement of Cobb angle in scoliosis using convolutional neural networks
Byoun-Minjeong Byoun, Jong-Won Jeong, Hye-Bin Lee, Jae-Yu Lee, Jung-Hun Kim (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

A.13: Design of Generative AI-based Speech-Recognizing KIOSK for Educational Institutions
Eun kyung Jung, Na yeong Kwon, Bo mi Lee, Sang jo Baek (Daegu Catholic University, Korea); Ji soo Ryu (Dreamideasoft Co. Ltd., Korea); Kee Sung Kim (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

A.14: System Design for Phone Call STT Displaying in an LLM-based Contact Center Platform
Jae-Won Lee, Jaepil Jung, Sang-Jo Baek (Daegu Catholic University, Korea); Sangmin Ko, Byungho Chung, Doo-Hyun Baek (WINITECH, Korea); Byeongchang Kim (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

A.15: Development of Generative AI-based Chatbot Counseling Service Integrated Closed-group Meeting Application
Hye-bin Lee, Byeong-guk Kim, Jae-yu Lee (Daegu Catholic University, Korea); Syng Chul Chu (Flash21, Korea); Sang-Il Choi (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

A.16: Enhancing Memory Efficiency by Redesigning Model Architecture based on Cross Attention Mechanism
Sehwan Heo, JunBeom Moon, YeEun Joo, Soon Ki Jung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

Session B: Poster Paper Presentations
Session Chair: Mansik Jeon, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Date: October 25, 2024
Room: IT4 Floor B1, DIY Room, Time: 13:30 - 14:50

B.1: Development of a Low-Cost Compact 3D LiDAR Capable of Detecting Safety Accident Risks in Advance
Kiwoong Kim, Jeehyun Kim, Myungjee Kang, Mansik Jeon (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.2: Preprocessing Memory Access Patterns using Bit Operations and Memory Access Prediction via Multimodal Models with Image Generation
Hoyong Kang, Jeong-Geun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.3: Process Automation In Software Project Management
Junyeop Kim, Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.4: Precision Semantic Segmentation for Enhanced Virtual Try-On: Leveraging CenterNet2 and PointRend for Realistic Image Synthesis
Sangyeop Baek (Kyungpook National University, Korea); Kyuhong Park (Infinyx, Korea); Jong-Taek Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.5: Fog Recognition Method Based on Distributional Characteristics of Images Captured in Vehicle Driving Scenarios
Do hyeon Lim (Kyungpook National University, Korea); Young Joon Yoon (Data Analysis TakenSoft, Korea); Seok-Joo Koh (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.6: A Study on Web-based Certificate Management and Encryption
Sooryong Hyun (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.7: Real-time Position Control for Delta Robots in Conveyor-Based Recycling Systems
Han-Yeong Kim, Deock-Jae Lee, Seokjin Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.8: Template Matching-Based Part Classification and Robot System Using Depth Estimation
Deock-Jae Lee, Han-Yeong Kim, Seok-jin Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.9: Development of a Coffee Bean Detection System Utilizing the HSV Color Space
Sohyang Lee, Mansik Jeon (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.10: Blockchain-Based VRU Safety System in Emergency
Idris A. Abdulhameed, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Malik Muhammad Saad, Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

B.11: Design of VR Content for Multiplayer-based Industrial Safety Education
Byeongguk Kim, Jong won Jeong (Daegu Catholic University, Korea); Jisung Jeon, Youngmo Kang (Smartcreator Co., Ltd., Korea); Dongju Kim (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

B.12: Smart Factory Safety Management System
Jinseo Ha, Young-Gun Kwon, Su-Min Cho, Seong-Won Hong, Jae-Won Lee (Daegu Catholic University, Korea); Saet Byeol Kim, Wolyoung Kim (Solar Light Korea, Korea); Subin Lee, Hyeji Lee, Kihak Lee, Bonghwan Kim (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

B.13: Design of a Mass Texting Agent Based on Hexagonal Architecture and Application of Edge Computing Model
Na-Yeong Kwon, Min-Jeong Byoun, Ye-Gyun Kim, Je-Hyeon Park (Daegu Catholic University, Korea); Jeong-Ha Cho, Sang-Soo Park (NANOIT Ltd. Inc, Korea); Zhang Han, Tae-Young Byun (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

B.14: AI-driven Translation System for Korean Documents Tailored to International Students
Eun-Kyung Jung, Young-Ho Shin, Je-Hyeon Park (Gyeongbuk ICT Advanced Talent Training Center, Korea); Yu-na Oh (RESOFT, Korea); Soobin Jeon (Daegu Catholic University, Korea)

B.15: A Study on the Effectiveness of Preventing Respiratory Diseases through Individual Air Purification Devices for Mobility Passengers
Sangwoo Bae, Jeehyun Kim, Haejin Youn (Kyungpook National University, Korea); Youngjin Kim (Technology Research Institute Smartrumbangi Co., Ltd, Korea)

B.16: Implementation of a Shoe Care System Based on Different Types of Footwear
Haejin Youn, Sangwoo Bae (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

ICCT2024 Paper List

* Click the paper title to view in your web browser *

Submission No Corresponding Author Paper Title (by Session Name)

Submission No Corresponding Author Paper Title (by Paper Submission Number)
# 1498 Aristarchus Pranayama Kuntjara Evaluating Game-Based and Immersive Learning Design Principles for Authentic Cultural Heritage Experiences
# 1499 Geralda Tantra Anticipate or Compromise? Integrating ethics in the design development process to mitigate and engage with negative consequences
# 1500 INDAH SARI YOSODIHARYO Analyzing the Potential of Using Viewer Cognition Data Obtained Through Eye-tracking for AI-assisted Film Editing
# 1501 Erandaru Erandaru A Review of Locomotion Techniques for Exploring Heritage Site in Virtual Reality
# 1503 Sehyun Park Improving Crosswalk Detection Accuracy using Attention Mechanisms in YOLOv8
# 1504 Ankit Patel Exploring Supervised Learning Methods for Human Fall Detection: A Comparative Analysis
# 1505 Sooryong Hyun A Study on Web-based Certificate Management and Encryption
# 1507 dohyeon lim Fog Recognition Method Based on Distributional Characteristics of Images Captured in Vehicle Driving Scenarios
# 1509 Thina Garan Federated Learning for Heart Stroke Risk Prediction: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms
# 1510 Sagar Sidana Explainable AI to Mitigate DDoS Attacks in SDN Systems
# 1511 Said Elnaffar A Hybrid Algorithmic Trading Approach: Integrating Technical Indicators with ARIMA LSTM for Stock Price Predictions
# 1512 Muhammad Azfar Yaqub Performance Evaluation of Blockchain-Enabled Smart Contracts for a Healthcare System
# 1514 Hyunjin Chun A Study on the Medical Effects and Design Method of Meditation Garden
# 1516 Sangyeop Baek Precision Semantic Segmentation for Enhanced Virtual Try-On: Leveraging CenterNet2 and PointRend for Realistic Image Synthesis
# 1518 Somchoke RUENGITTINUN Thai traditional dance pose evaluation using Dynamic Time Wrapping technique
# 1519 Junyeop Kim Process Automation In Software Project Management
# 1520 Hoyong Kang Preprocessing Memory Access Patterns using Bit Operations and Memory Access Prediction via Multimodal Models with Image Generation
# 1521 Tanish Patel Enhancing IoT Security: A Federated Learning and Explainable AI Pipeline for Preemptive Cyberattack Detection
# 1522 Kiwoong Kim Development of a low-cost compact 3D LiDAR capable of detecting safety accident risks in advance
# 1523 Jaemin Hong Study on indoor tracking system using UWB
# 1524 Daeyoung Choi Enhancing Real-Time SLAM with GS-ICP and Deep Learning Integration
# 1525 HEEJUNG WOO Study on the integration of VCU and EPS control algorithms for autonomous shuttle bus
# 1526 Jaeseong Park Developing a UHD 8K resolution display inspection system using a master/slave structure
# 1529 Il kwon Kang A Performance Analysis of Open-Source Map Matching Programs for Large-Scale GPS Data
# 1532 SoHyang Lee Development of a coffee bean detection system utilizing the HSV color space
# 1533 Haejin Youn Implementation of a Shoe Care System Based on Different Types of Footwear
# 1535 SangWoo Bae A Study on the Effectiveness of Preventing Respiratory Diseases through Individual Air Purification Devices for Mobility Passengers
# 1537 Haishan Yang A Blockchain-based Incentive Mechanism in Computation Offloading in IoV
# 1538 JOOHEE PARK Use of mmWavelength Radar in Biomedical Engineering and Animal Health
# 1539 Somchoke RUENGITTINUN Self-practice Khon Application using Artificial Intelligence
# 1540 idris abdulhameed Blockchain-based VRU Safety System in Emergency
# 1541 HyunKI Ryu Enhancing Reel Tower Management and Control through Machine Learning Techniques
# 1543 jinju lee Research on brand experience and perception of flagship stores through journey map analysis
# 1544 Faisal Mohammed alotaibi Predictive Analytics for Customer Churn: Machine Learning Solutions for Business Retention
# 1545 DEOCKJAE LEE Template Matching-Based Part Classification and Robot System Using Depth Estimation
# 1546 Hanyeong Kim Real-time position control for Delta Robots in Conveyor-Based Recycling Systems
# 1550 Saad El Hadi Interracial Romance in South Korean Cinema Analysing Cultural and Social Evolution
# 1551 Lee Kyunghwan Development of Safety Monitoring System for Children's School Buses Based on Intelligent Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
# 1552 HAOYUAN GAO Exploration of Aesthetic Characteristics in Vertical Screen Filming Technology
# 1553 Lema Orquera Santiago Fernando Accessibility in the Metaverse: Alternatives for the visually impaired
# 1554 Nailen Kristinne Garalde Digital Influence of OTT Streaming and Social Media in Today’s Content Viewing Behavior: Analyzing Netflix’s Marketing Strategies to Generate Consumers
# 1555 Lynn Oliquino Analyzing technological mediation to the digital divide: The role of mobile phones in Signal Rock (2018)
# 1556 Zi Jian Tan Exploring the Disruptive Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Filmmaking
# 1557 ShengTong Han A Brief Analysis of the Use of Color in Zhang Yimou's Film Transitions
# 1558 NASHLEY DSOUZA Evaluating Metal Music Composition through Artificial Intelligence
# 1559 Sanghyun Yeo Hybrid CNN-KAN: Integrating Function Approximation for Enhanced Image Classification
# 1560 Van Dai Pham An AI-Based Compression Model for Enhancing Transmission Efficiency in Bandwidth-Constrained Environments
# 1562 Qi Xiao A Study on the Spatial Composition of Community Street Projects Based on the 15-Minute City
# 1563 JIE LIU A Study on the Development of Cultural Product Design Based on AHP: Focusing on the Nanyang Han Pictorial Stone Museum
# 1564 Thao Vi Phung Predictive Analytics in Education: A Holistic AI Approach Using Academic, Behavioral, and Socio-Demographic Features
# 1565 Asad Imam Conventional, Continual and Multi-Dataset Training: A Study on Segmentation Performance for Medical Imaging
# 1571 Ling Liu A Study of Humorous Character Design in Theatrical Animation
# 1572 Sang-Il Choi Development of Generative AI-based Chatbot Counseling Service Integrated Closed-group Meeting Application
# 1573 Byeongguk Kim Design of VR Content for Multiplayer-based Industrial Safety Education
# 1574 BONGHWAN KIM Smart Factory Safety Management System
# 1575 Tae-Young Byun Design of a Mass Texting Agent Based on Hexagonal Architecture and Application of Edge Computing Model
# 1576 Byeongguk Kim Design of VR Content for Multiplayer-based Industrial Safety Education
# 1577 soobin Jeon AI-driven Translation System for Korean Documents Tailored to International Students
# 1578 Jon, YongJun Development of a Smart Early Detection System for Solitary Deaths Based on Life Response Data
# 1579 Junghun Kim Automatic measurement of Cobb angle in scoliosis using convolutional neural networks
# 1580 Eun kyung Jung Design of Generative AI-based Speech-Recognizing KIOSK for Educational Institutions
# 1581 Eun kyung Jung Design of Generative AI-based Speech-Recognizing KIOSK for Educational Institutions
# 1582 Jae-Won Lee System Design for Phone Call STT Displaying in an LLM-based Contact Center Platform
# 1583 MUSTFA EREN YILDIRIM Gender Classification of LBP Facial Images with VGG Architecture
# 1584 MyeongSu Jeong Enhancing Reel Tower Management and Control through Machine Learning Techniques
# 1585 Ling Liu A Study of Humorous Character Design in Theatrical Animation
# 1586 Hyunji Lee Refining Class Confusion with Pixel Adjacency and Continual Learning in Medical Image Segmentation
# 1587 Sehwan Heo Enhancing memory efficiency by redesigning model architecture based on cross attention mechanism
# 1588 Jin-Hyeong Park Analysis on diffusion model for face de-identification
# 1589 Jiazheng wang Research on YOLOv8 Keypoints Detection Based on Multiple Attention Mechanism Optimization
# 1590 zhongheng wen A Bus Passenger Monitoring System
# 1591 MUSTFA EREN YILDIRIM Intelligent supervised machine learning based model for intrusion detection system
# 1592 Rattasit Sukhahuta Area-Based Data Visualization and Its Role in Big Data Analytics for Air Quality Management
# 1593 Nattawut Chaowanapanich Proposing Machine Learning-Based Multi-sensor System for Elderly Care
# 1594 Patinya Saichantadee Wi-Fi Aware Based Wi-Fi Round Trip Time Model System for Enhancing Indoor Environment Safety
# 1595 Natdanai Kiewwath Developing a Reinforcement Learning-Based Model for Prescriptive Maintenance in Air Conditioning Systems in Thailand


Guide Line for Authors/Chairs

Submission Policy

ICCT is a refereed conference and all submitters must accept the following agreement:

Making a submission to ICCT is a serious matter and we expect anyone submitting to ICCT to confirm the following:

  1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
  2. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
  3. I confirm that I have read the conference policies for publication and agree to abide by them.
  4. I confirm that I will treat the intellectual property and contributions of my fellow contributors and the reviewers of my work with respect.

Reviewing Policy

This section gives policy guidelines for the evaluation of material for ICCT Proceeding publication. The audience is both program chairs and potential authors.

  1. Submitted papers shall be reviewed by three qualified, independent reviewers who are asked to assess the relavance, originality, correctness and quality, validity of conclusion, and clarity of writing of the paper; and who are asked to provide a written review report that shall be provided to the author.
  2. In cases where reviewer comments suggest that a paper may be acceptable only with revisions, the author(s) shall have an opportunity to submit a revised paper. Minor revisions may be reviewed by the program committee or designee.

Reviewing Process

This section gives general reviewing process.

  1. All submissions should be made through the official "paper submisssion" menu of ICCT website and submitters must be a member of IACST(http://iacst.org). For an efficient and just review, submission by mail is not allowed. Including paper submission and review status verification, each submission and review process can be checked on the official ICCT website.
  2. Normal review usually takes one month and paper review result will be mailed when all three reviewers finish the review process. Also, the detail review results of the three reviews will be shown on ICCT website.
  3. At least one registration is required for each accepted paper and it can be done on the ICCT website.
  4. After the paper is published, the conference proceeding book will be posted on ICCT website.

Guideline for Authors


Oral Sessions

1. Duration of the Presentation
The allotted time for each speaker is 12 minutes to present and 6 minutes for Q&A.

2. Equipment in Presentation Room
Each presentation room will have a projector, a screen and a laptop computer running PowerPoint under MS Windows, equipped with USB port.

3. Preparation for Your Presentation Session
Bring a USB memory with your PowerPoint presentation and make sure that your file is copied on the laptop computer before your session starts. Please show up 15 minutes before the actual session starts and introduce yourself to the session chair. Be prepared to give some bibliographic details about yourself to the chairperson so that he/she can introduce you before your presentation.

Poster Sessions

1. Duration of the Presentation
The poster session has 60 minutes, requiring all presenters to be available at their posters during the session.

2. Poster Specification
Posters must be designed to fit a 841mm wide x 1189mm tall board. Posters may be prepared as a single poster or as several smaller sections mounted together. The heading of the poster should list the paper title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s).

3. Poster Set-Up
Posters may be attached to the boards by push pins or tapes, which will be provided. Posters must be set up by presenters 10 minutes before the session starts. Posters must be removed by presenters right after the session is over. Posters not removed by 10 minutes after the session will be removed by volunteers (session organizers not responsible for posters left after this deadline).


Guideline for Chairs


Before Your Session

1. Check the Program
Prior to departure for the meeting, check the program on our website (http://icct.iacst.org/index.php) to find the time slot for the session that you are chairing.

2. Pick Up the Materials for Session Chair from Registration Desk
Please arrive at the registration desk about 20minutes prior to the start of the session and pick up the material prepared for a session chair.

3. Check the Meeting Room
Please arrive at the session room about 10 minutes prior to the start of the session and familiarize yourself with the controls for lights, microphones, a pointer, and a projector. If you encounter problems, immediately alert the session staff who is serving your session in the session room. Meanwhile, you have to check the presence of individual speaker in your session.

During Your Session

1. Introduction
At the start of the session, briefly introduce yourself and explain the timing system to the audience, and as often during the session as you think necessary.

2. Time Allotment
The allotted time for each speaker is 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for Q&A. . If possible, you may give a brief introduction of the speaker to the audience, including his or her affiliation and position, at the beginning of each presentation.

3. Absent Speakers
Should a speaker fail to appear, you may recess the session until it is time for the next scheduled abstract. If you are notified of the absence of any speaker before the session starts, please announce it to the audience. You have to report the absence of any speaker to the secretariat for conference administration at the registration desk.


Registration & Sponsorship

*** At least one author of each accepted paper MUST register and present paper at the conference in order for the paper to be included in the program. Additional authors also have to register to join the conference sessions and banquet. ***

Registration Fee

Regular 1st Paper Registration : US$ 400
Regular 1st Paper Early Registration : US$ 350 (by September 30, 2024)
Regular 2nd Paper or Additional Author Registration : US$ 200
Regular 1st/2nd Paper Registration from Developing Countries : US$ 300
Online Presentation Paper Registration : US$ 250
Online Student Presentation Paper Registration : US$ 90
ACM / ACM SIGAPP Member Registration : US$ 350
Student Paper Registration : US$ 350
Participation w/o Paper Submission : US$ 200
Organization Registration-6 (less than 20 participants) : US$ 4,500 or KRW 6,000,000
Organization Registration-8 (less than 30 participants) : US$ 6,000 or KRW 8,000,000

Registration by Bank Transfer

Please refer to the following account for bank transfer:

Swift Bic : KOEXKRSE
Account # : 271-890008-57838
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)
Bank Address : 16, Baegyang-daero 324bon-gil, Sasang-gu, Busan SINJURYE SUB-BRANCH

For those who want to send Korean-Won(₩), instead of US dollars for bank-transfer, please use the following account :

Bank Name : HANA BANK
Account # : 271-890005-94904
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)

Registration by PAYPAL

한국내에서의 신용카드 결제

한국에서 신용카드로 등록비를 결제하실 경우에는, 반드시 PC에서 (모바일기기에서 불가) 이 곳을 선택하시면 결제 창으로 이동합니다. 등록비 납부 영수증이 필요하신분은 icct@iacst.org로 메일 주시기 바랍니다.

ICCT2024 Sponsorship

Sponsorship Program : Levels and Benefits

  ICCT2024 Conference offers several levels of organizational sponsorship with the following benefits.

(a) Diamond : (US$ 5,000)
2 Exhibition Booth & 4 Registration of Complimentary Conference Registration.
Large Logo & Logo Display on Website, Backdrop, Conference Kits

(b) Platinum : (US$ 4,000)
1 Exhibition Booth & 3 Registration of Complimentary Conference Registration.
Medium Logo & Logo Display on Website, Backdrop, Conference Kits

(c) Gold : (US$ 3,000)
1 Exhibition Booth & 2 Registration of Complimentary Conference Registration.
Medium Logo & Logo Display on Website, Backdrop, Conference Kits

(d) Silver : (US$ 2,000)
1 Exhibition Booth & 1 Registration of Complimentary Conference Registration.
Small Logo & Logo Display on Website, Backdrop, Conference Kits

(e) Bronze : (US$ 1,000)
Small Logo & Logo Display on Website, Backdrop, Conference Kits

Contact & Inquiry

E-mail: icct@iacst.org
Phone: +82-10-4584-5066

Bank Account Information

[1] Account for US$ Transfer:

Swift Bic : KOEXKRSE
Account # : 271-890008-57838
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)
Bank Address : 16, Baegyang-daero 324bon-gil, Sasang-gu, Busan SINJURYE SUB-BRANCH

[2] Account for Korean Won(₩) Transfer:

Bank Name : HANA BANK
Account # : 271-890005-94904
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)

Venue, Accommodation & Travel Information

Conference Venue

Kyungpook Natl. University, Daegu City, South Korea



Accomodation Recommendation

  1. Ariana Hotel (http://www.ariana.co.kr)

Banquet Place

  1. Laonzena Hotel (https://hotellaonzena.com/)

How to Get There

Please refer to this LINK to get to the conference site.


Click here to download the ICCT2024 Proceeding Book

*** ICCT2024 IEEE Paper Template(letter) ***
*** ICCT2024 Copyright Form: Click here to download. ***

*** ICCT2024 Call for Session: Click here to download. ***
*** ICCT2024 Session Information: Click here to download. ***